Counselling Melbourne


Growth Minded Psychology Werribee  providing individual counselling services to people aged 18 and over. He brings over 16 years of experiencing in counselling in the mental health field. He developed his basic counselling skills over five years as a crisis counsellor. Then from 2010 he continued developing these skills in various counselling clinics in homelessness, job services, and with refugees and adults and adolescents. He spent a further five years in addictions counselling. Since 2017 he has provided counselling services to university students, the general community. He has also gained experience in psychiatric disability in the NDIS.

What is counselling and is it different to psychotherapy?

Counselling and psychotherapy are both goal orientated. They similarly involve supportive listening methods to help people resolve psychosocial or emotional difficulties. However, in counselling these difficulties do not include those which have developed into psychological disorders, which is the main focus of psychotherapy.

This distinction can be understood through the example of someone who presents for grief counselling following the death of a loved one. In many of these cases, the client was mentally well prior to their loved one’s death. In this situation, grief involves deep feelings of loss and sadness. Whilst such moods might appear to be similar to depression, they are not coupled with the long standing self-loathing and low expectations that characterises depression. With the non-pathological grieving client, a short to medium term course of supportive listening will help them process their grief so they can continue to thrive. Whereas, in psychotherapy, the resolution of psychopathology usually requires more confronting and intense forms of therapeutic intervention, which can last from weeks to years.

What types of counselling services does Julian provide?

Grief counselling

Julian provides counselling services at his Melbourne psychology clinic for people grieving various types of losses. Commonly, people present when they have experienced the death of a loved one. However, people may need counselling after losing a job, getting rejected for a job, losing income or relationship. Those in mid-life or existential crisis may be grieving the loss of opportunities that passed them by or the loss of time. The point is that there are many forms of loss for which people may present for grief counselling, which Julian is well trained to assist with.

Mental health counselling

People may present to Julian in psychological distress that is not a psychological disorder. Supportive counselling can help such people sought through their thoughts, and formulate solutions to their problems, which may have been more difficult to achieve alone. This can be achieved in one session or over a short to medium term course of counselling.

Career and student counselling

Julian has extensive experience as a counsellor in both job services and with university students. He has developed the ability to help people experiencing difficulties with motivation, goal setting, problem solving, procrastination, work place bullying, anxieties about returning to the work place, fear of failure and so on.

Counselling services

Julian’s counselling clinic is based in inner Melbourne. He has a private discreet office. The treatment setting is comfortable and peaceful to maximise feelings of safety, so that clients feel as free as possible to say what comes to mind.

Does Julian provide online services?

Julian runs online and telehealth psychology, counselling and psychotherapy services.